About Us
We are currently a Labour Party controlled local authority with 63 councillors, representing our 25 wards.
Our borough is 12 miles from the centre of London and covers an area of 31.7 square miles (82.2 square kilometres, 8219 hectares). In 2020, we had an estimated population of 333,587 with a large population of both 0-14s and older people in comparison to the rest of London. It is a diverse place, which has welcomed communities from across the world. In particular, it has large Turkish, Greek and Cypriot populations.
Life expectancy is above the UK average but health outcomes vary significantly across the borough. Some of our wards are amongst the most deprived in England, while others are relatively affluent.
For more information on our demographic, environmental and socioeconomic factors, and the comparison to London and national averages, refer to ourĀ Enfield Borough Profile - Your Council.